Monday, January 5, 2009


In upgradiation project SPDD and SPAU Aare the main transactions.

Upgradiation project are like

1.Technical Upgrade

2.Functional Upgrade
In technical project process steps like

1.System preparation and stack level patch upgrade – Basis Team

2.SPDD Phase – ABAP and Functionals

3.Up gradation of the system – Basis Team

4.SPAU Phase – ABAP and Functionals

5.DBACOCKPIT for indexing – ABAP TEAM

6.Issue resolution and error tracking – ABAP and Functionals

7.Zprograms corrections – obsolete function modules and objects
In SPDD Phase

This transaction code SPDD is the core step in an upgrade project. The system compares all the dictionary objects – data elements, database tables and structures of the latest system (say ECC) with the previous or the old system (Say 4.6c). These all elements are present under two nodes – with modification assistant and without modification assistant. Objects present under with modification assistant have the modification assistant ‘ON’ and we can see the modification logs.The objects in green color as shown below are the objects processed already and the ones in blue are the ones which still need to be processed. Apart from the nodes – ‘With modification assistant ‘and ‘Without modification assistant ‘, there is one more node sometimes – ‘Deleted objects’. This node contains objects which are deleted in the newer version of SAP and this node is to be left as it is. The objects under ‘With modification assistant’ and ‘Without modification assistant’ are to be processed by the ABAP team. The ABAP team clicks on the objects one by one – it takes us to the corresponding object – data element, structure or database table in the SE11 transaction code where we need to do the version comparison of the object. Click on Utilities 􀃆 Versions 􀃆 Version Management. There it shows all the versions of the object. The topmost or the latest version is of the Latest SAP Version and the versions below are the previous or modified versions.Now, we need to compare the Latest SAP version with the previous versions. Click on the check boxes of the two versions to compare and then click on the ‘compare’ button. We have to choose two and only two versions in order to compare them. In the comparison, it shows the differences in the two versions. We can click the Delta Comparison to see the delta differences between the two versions of the object. Now, after seeing the comparison, the ABAPER has to decide whether he/she wants to keep the Latest SAP version (ECC) of the object. (Reset to Original) or he/she wants to keep the changes made or modifications made (Adapt Modification) in the previous system (4.6c). For Example say a table MARA is there in SPDD. When we click on it and go to the version comparison, suppose it shows that 2 new fields are added in the Latest SAP version (ECC), when compared to the older version (4.6c).The ABAPER has to analyze the pros and corns of this objects – If he/she resets the table to original in SPDD, the 2 new fields would be added in the table MARA. If he Adapts modification, whenever any transaction or any program tries to store or read any value from the two new fields, it might give a short dump. So in this case, it is better to go for ‘Reset to original’. Considering another example, if say a data element say PRODH1 was of length say char7 in the previous versions where it had been modified by the user from char5 to char7 by the user for their business requirement, and again in the Latest SAP version, its char5, then it is better to adopt modification since in some transactions the user might be storing char7 values instead of char5. So if we reset the object to original, it might give dumps whenever char7 length value gets stored in any field using PRODH1 data element.
In SPAU Phase

The SPAU transaction contains the objects – Programs, Reports, Screens, Messages, Notes, Function Modules etc. which have difference in the Latest SAP request and the previous ones. This SPAU phase can be done either just after SPDD or after the Up gradation of the system by the Basis team.The same way we need to compare the objects in ‘Version Management’ and decide weather to ‘Reset to Original’ or ‘Adapt Modification’. The ‘Adapt Modification is however slightly different for codes – Function modules, reports etc. In adapt modification, the SPAU gives us the empty space to write our code – by having a reference to the code in previous request, we can decide and write the code with some corrections when required. This is in the case of objects present in ‘Without Modification Assistant’. In case of ‘With modification Assistant’, it opens a the program code in grey mode and we can insert or delete or modify code by pressing corresponding buttons in a similar way we do to modify any SAP standard code by using the access key. The objects present in SPAU do not require any access key for a period of around 15-20 days after which SAP automatically locks those codes and after this locking, if we want to change or delete any code in SPAU objects, we would require an access key. So it is a good practice to finish the SPAU phase in 10-15 days time. In SPAU also, only one request is to be made for all objects as a best practice.


  1. very nice post.I have one question from my side , is there is any way to find the modified standard programs/dictionary objects before we start upgrade so that we can prepare before upgrade ?

  2. Very good explanation. I have a question. We did SPDD then Up grade phases, then SPAU. My problem is that in our haste, we threw some SPAU objects into some SPDD change requests, etc. So we now have a combined SPAU/SPDD change request even though we did the SPDD and SPAU phases apart. IE the up gradation was between them. Will this cause a problem when we get to the Q box? Should I break them up into a SPDD transport and a SPAU transport? Thanks

  3. at any time you call SPDD/SPAU to see the sap objects modified

  4. "In upgradiation project SPDD and SPAU Aare the main transactions." ?!?

    Embarrassing ...

  5. Very gud explaination....!!! Thanks for it.

  6. Excellent explaination, totally impressed.


  7. superb, when user should adopt modification i got, but please try to explain step by step how to adopt modification.

  8. Good one.

    I have one question about SPDD fixes, Do we need fix SPDD corrections while doing upgrade or as part of Post upgrade activities?
