Wednesday, January 21, 2009

MM Document Flow

MM Process Flow

1. Purchase Requisition (ME51N)

Material requirement are identified either by the user, department or via material planning and control. For example a MRP Run in production planning or material falling short of reorder-point can automatically generate Purchase Requisition. At the same time PR can be created manually in the system.

2. Source Determination - RFQ (ME41)

Identify the possible source of supply based on the past order and existing long term purchase contract. Then create Request for Quotation, which can be then sent electronically to vendors.

3. Vendor Selection and Comparision of Quotation (ME49)

After receiving quotation system is capable to simulate pricing scenarios, allowing user to compare number of quotations and sent rejection letter automarically.

4. Purchase Order (ME21N)

Data from Quotation or Purchase Requisition can be adopted to create Purchase Orders. Purchase Order is then sent to Vendor to supply the goods.

5. Purchase Order Follow ups ME91, ME91F, ME92F

Reminder can be sent to vendors at predefined intervals.

6. Goods Receipts (MB01)

Goods were received.

7. Invoice Verification (MIRO)

Along with the goods vendor also submits Invoice, system verifies then invoice against the quantity received and PO data. The account payable clerk is notified.

Important Transactions in MM

MM01 Material Creation

Me51N Purchase Requisition

Me41 Request for Quotation

Me49 Comparision of Quotation

Me21N Purchase Order Creation

MIGO, MB01 Goods Receipt

MIRO Invoice Verification

MB1A Good IssueTables in MM

MARA Material General

MARC Material Plant Data

MAKT Material Description

MARD Material Storage Location Data

MAST Material BOM Link

MBEW Material Valuation

MKPF Material Document Header

MSEG Mateial Document Line Item

MVKE Mateial Sales Data

T023 Material Group

T024 Pruchase Organisation

EBAN Purchase Requisition

EBKN Account Assignment Purchase Requisition

EINA Purchasing Info Record - General Data

EINE Purchase Info Record - Purchase Organisation Data

EKKO Purchase Order Header Data

EKPO Purchase Order Line Item Data

EKKN Account Assignment Purchase Order

EKBE History Purchase Order

EKET Scheduling Agreement Purchase Order

EKAB Release Documentation


  1. Very useful material thanks lot

    by saravanan

  2. copied from
